On this week's Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss news about CBS' Supergirl (including a new interview with David Harewood and the reveal of Supergirl bags at San Diego Comic-Con!) while also discussing the trade paperback, Bizarrogirl. Join in on the fun as the gang at Supergirl Radio prepare for CBS' Supergirl, starring Melissa Benoist!
On this week's Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss news about CBS' Supergirl (including what Smallville's Aaron Ashmore has to say about Mehcad Brooks as the new James "The Grown Man" Olsen!) while also discussing the trade paperback Supergirl: Death and the Family. Join in on the fun as the gang at Supergirl Radio prepare for CBS' Supergirl, starring Melissa Benoist!
On this week's Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss news about CBS' Supergirl (including info on Supergirl's premiere dates in the US and Canada!) while also wrapping up our discussion of Kara Zor-El on Smallville with Kara's final three appearances on the show in the Season 8 & 10 episodes "Bloodline", "Supergirl" and "Prophecy". Join in on the fun as the gang at Supergirl Radio prepare for CBS' Supergirl, starring Melissa Benoist!
On this week's Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson do away with the usual format to spend some quality time with a very special guest! Supergirl comics writer, Sterling Gates, is with us this week to discuss two of his fan-favorite New Krypton story arcs: Supergirl: Who is Superwoman? and Supergirl: Friends and Fugitives. Join us as we talk Supergirl with one of the guys who wrote her - right here on Supergirl Radio!
Follow Sterling Gates and his work (including his independent film, The Posthuman Project) on social media:
On this week's Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss news about CBS' Supergirl (including some of the critical praise the pilot is getting by press!) while also discussing Supergirl in the DC Nation animated shorts in "Super Best Friends Forever". Join in on the fun as the gang at Supergirl Radio prepare for CBS' Supergirl, starring Melissa Benoist!